A to Z affiliate marketing教程

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  3. A to Z affiliate marketing教程
  4. 8 如何发布你的LandingPage
  5. 8.3 如何配置ssl安全访问协议并开启https

8.3 如何配置ssl安全访问协议并开启https


how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS


how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS


然后切换到第二个选项卡Edge certificates中可以查看到你的一级域名下的证书已经被激活

how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS


how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS


回到Edge certificates选项卡中将下面的几个设置全部打开

how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPShow to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS



how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS


- how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS


- how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS


- how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS


- how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS

全部按照上面的设置进行配置后,打开你的浏览器访问你的landing page你应该就能看到已经证书验证成功支持https协议访问的页面了


- how to configure SSL Secure Access Protocol and turn on HTTPS

到这一步,那么恭喜你,你已经完成了一个landing page的部署工作。互联网上的用户可以自由的访问到你发布的网页内容了,赶紧去试一下吧,看你能做到第几步呢?

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         转载请保留本说明,本文链接地址: https://www.studymediabuy.com/docs/40day-affiliate-marketing-tutorial/8-how-to-publish-your-landingpage/8-3-how-to-configure-ssl-secure-protocol-and-turn-on-https

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